Contao 2.11.4 check

PHP configuration

PHP version 7.1.33Contao requires PHP 5.2 or greater.
Safe mode OffRecommended setting is Off.
Maximum execution time 50000Recommended setting is 30 or greater.
Memory limit-1Recommended setting is 16M or greater.
Register globals OffRecommended setting is Off.
File uploads OnRecommended setting is On.
Upload maximum filesize 64MRecommended setting is 8M or greater.
SOAP extension OnRecommended setting is On.

If there are any warnings, Contao might not work properly. If the PHP safe_mode is enabled (second line), you have to use the "Safe Mode Hack" to run Contao, otherwise you will not be able to create or modify files or to use the Live Update Service.

You should be able to use the Contao extension repository.

File permissions

Operating system LinuxLinux info 3.0 #1337 SMP Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 CEST 2000 all GNU/Linux
Create directory OKSuccessfully created directory "contao-check"
Directory permissions705Recommended directory permission setting is 775 or 755 or 750.
Directory owner u78932616The new directory is owned by you.
Create file OKSuccessfully created file "contao-check.txt"
File permissions604Recommended file permission setting is 664 or 644 or 660 or 640.
File owner u78932616The new file is owned by you.

If there are any warnings, you have to use the "Safe Mode Hack" to run Contao, otherwise you will not be able to create or modify files or to use the Live Update Service. Under no circumstances should you try to solve this problem by changing the file permissions!

You should be able to run Contao without the Safe Mode Hack.

Contao files

No Contao installation found in /homepages/38/d550103454/htdocs/.